Thursday, May 31, 2007

Musings from the Heartland

A lovely day. A new beginning. This is my first blog, so I will be learning and undoubtedly making mistakes, but hey I have to get my feet wet.
Robin talked me into this venture. She does such an oustanding job, let's face it, I'll never reach her level of writing and entertaining, but on the other hand, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Today, I'm still recuperating from our trip to Burleson, Texas, for my
step-grandaughters graduation from high school. Can't believe how large the classes are there, but then Texas is a big state. Everything is bigger in Texas. We had fun, but it's also good to get home.
Our next big trip, is to New Mexico, via Boulder, Colorado. We'll be going to Ghost Ranch, in Abiquiu. This is a terrific place for a week of learning, relaxation and soaking in the beautiful desert scenery. We will be taking a class titled 'Hebrew Scripture Retablo Workshop.' It will be taught by John Jimenez, from Santa Fe and Rabbi Nahum Ward Lev, also of Santa Fe. The workshop will give students an opportunity to explore stores about powerful women and men in the Bible and to create their own images of these characters in retablo form. There are some wonderful Hispanic artists, who specialize in this artform. We'll never come close to mastering their craft, but just to learn even the basics from
a professional, will certainly be a gift.
Have a good day all.


Robin Jamison Hernandez said...

What a wonderful first post! As a "jet setter," I know that you will have lots of interesting news to report, and I'm looking forward to making your blog part of my morning routine!

I'm also counting down the days when Marmee and Company arrive here in the Land of Enchantment.

Safe travels! Love you bunches!

Shannon said...

I didn't realize you had a blog! I enjoyed your first post. You really should keep this up!